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” Preparation of medical chronologies, starting from a basic listing and going to produce a comprehensive medical records summary that details multiple objectives. “

Medical record review from Rapid Care produces a medical chronology customized to meet client requirements. Our medical chronologies can also be differentiated through the following features:

  • A cover sheet with facts of the case summarized in 5-6 lines
  • Highlighting Hospital admissions, symptoms, and compliance with care
  • Listing facilities and physicians and indicating physician specialty per chronology
  • Capturing keynotes and procedures in a separate section
  • Separating chronologies prior to date of injury and post-injury
  • Every encounter is comprehensively covered and summarized
  • Handling additional records received for a case as appropriate for the case
  • Hyper-linking summaries to records making, it easy to navigate and retrieve source pages
  • All claims, billing paperwork, and prescriptions are reviewed and can be audited
  • All depositions, and interrogatories are summarized as relevant to the case