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Medical Coding

Electronic and Paper Claim Filing

Rapid Care processes claims electronically for all Carriers that currently accept electronic submission. Paper Claims are submitted for providers who do not accept electronic submission or require SOAP notes.

Claims filing includes but not limited to

Patient account creation (Demographics), Charge Entry (Superbill), Payment Posting (EOB).

Denial Analysis and re-processing

When a claim is rejected or only partially paid by the insurance company, we have our expert team do an analysis on the EOB to find out the possibility of erroneous refusal and re-submit the same as appropriate.

Secondary Carrier Billing

We automatically process Secondary Carrier claims upon receipt of the Primary Carrier EOB. This helps maintain accurate and up to date accounts receivable. Once we receive a copy of the EOB or verification of a patient payment, we immediately post the payment to the patients account.

Insurance Follow up and Appeal

We follow up via telephone (or letter, if necessary) on all claims that have gone unpaid beyond 30 days. If an unpaid or underpaid claim requires an appeal we will process all of the required paperwork and handle all necessary follow up. We have attorneys with years of successful experience in the field of medical billing, which has resulted in millions of dollars of rejected claims being reprocessed and sanctioned.

Insurance Verification

When a new patient calls for an appointment, the person scheduling the appointment will ask the patient a few simple questions and fill out a worksheet that our office will provide. He will then contact the insurance company and verify benefits.

Detailed Report

We provide reports detailing billing transactions on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly schedule. Rapid Care is also capable of customization of these reports as per the client’s preference.