- Incorporate practice
- Obtain federal tax ID number
- Obtain employer ID number
- Arrange/Suggest choices for liability insurance
- Set up practice fee schedule
- Request fee schedules from payers.
- Get Medicare, Medicaid, and Worker’s Compensation fee schedules from public record
- Request for and receive Enrollment forms from the insurance companies
- Filling and submitting the Enrollment forms
- Creating New Facility NPI Number
- Become a participating provider with commercial and managed care payers
- Obtain provider numbers from Medicare and Medicaid
- Contact state compensation insurance commission for worker’s compensation fee schedule and forms
- Obtain DEA number
- Obtain state and federal narcotic license, if needed
- Obtain state medical license
- Order CPT, HCPCS, ICD-9 and Correct Coding Initiative books
- Create practice superbill/charge ticket
- Develop Accounts Receivable systems and policies
- Contract with a collections agency
- Contract with third-party clearinghouse, if needed
- Arrange for transcription, if needed
- Decide on scheduling method and program the practice management system
- Arrange for call coverage, if needed
- Set up answering/paging service, if needed
- Establish charge capture system (outpatient and inpatient)
- Obtain licensure for ancillary services (e.g., CLIA for laboratory)
- Create/get forms including:
- HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
- HIPAA Business Associate Agreement
- Consent to Treat (as required by state law)
- Assignment of benefits
- Registration form(s)
- Medical history form(s)
- Advance beneficiary notice (for Medicare)
- Financial policy (for patients)
- Select Practice Management System (billing, scheduling, registration, etc.)
- Select Electronic Medical Record system
- Order servers, terminals, and printers as needed
- Adequate faxes and copy machines for optimum efficiency
- Create functioning e-mail account
- Enroll with CAQH
Fairfield, CT 06825