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Medical Summarization


Medical Records Summarization Process

Summarizing and organizing of medical records proves indispensable for settlement of insurance claims and workmen compensation-related litigation associated with workplace diseases/injuries and medical conditions or ailments. Summarizing medical records in an accurate and appropriate manner is key in such cases.

Rapid Care’s Unmatched Medical Record Summarization Services are carried out in a professional way through trained resources who are well-versed in the various legal aspects of cases and the significance of every minute detail. Our team considers the clients’ specific needs, highlight the essential pointers, and present the summaries in a deposition/argument pro manner that helps legal professionals win their cases.

Our Medical Summarization Services Include

  • Digitizing and scanning medical records and images that are available in various formats into comprehensive dossiers
  • Analyzing and categorizing each essential information and integrating the information into a complete report
  • Creating a final summary of the analyzed records and presenting it for review in a usable form
  • Flagging relevant symptoms and the treatment provided
  • Identifying missing information such as bills and medical records
  • Creating charts and timelines for highlighting the treatment provided from relevant time period related to care
  • Creating definitions and footnotes of uncommon terms used

Types of Summaries Included in our Service

  • Narrative medical summary
  • Comprehensive summary
  • Annotated index summary
  • Medical chronology and timelines

Who we Serve

  • Law firms and attorneys
  • Medico-legal firms
  • Independent medical examiners and qualified medical examiners
  • Insurance companies

and others associated with medico-legal litigation of any sort.

Benefits of our Services

  • Access to the service provided by experienced professionals
  • Regularly trained and updated team of medical record review experts
  • Reliability, quality, and relevance of data assured
  • Customized summaries catering to the unique needs of clients
  • Accuracy and consistency, in addition to fast TAT
  • Cost-effective solutions

Rapid Care has been in the medical record review services business since more than a decade. Our solutions ensure that the essential and relevant information contained in medical records are presented in an easy-to-understand and efficient manner so that clients may win their cases.