How Rapid Care transitions new clients
The step-by-step transition process is personally handled by a senior project manager who stays in the client’s office till the final stages to ensure seamless transition from the existing billing service to Rapid Care. Steps followed are listed below:
On New Billing Software & Clearing House (offered by Rapid Care):
- Credentialing (if required).
- Setup the billing software – upload fee schedule & input provider information.
- Setup the EDI and follow-up until completion (2-6 weeks processing time).
- Train the provider and staff about using the software.
- Configure scanner and FTP for document transfer.
- ERA and EFT setup for all major insurance companies.
- Create processes to handle missing documents and requests for additional information.
- Create workflow and share hierarchy and contact information of team leaders/account heads.
- Establish “Go Live” date schedule, weekly/monthly review meetings.
On Existing Billing Software & Clearinghouse of Client:
- Establish connectivity. RDP, if ASP-based and VPN, if server-based.
- Configure scanner and FTP for document transfer.
- Familiarize with software (if required) by going through tutorial videos/webinars.
- Run reports to calculate collection ratios and A/R numbers.
- Check fee schedule to ensure it is current. Also calculate charge ratio/percentage.
- Run report of frequently billed CPT codes to ensure that voided/deleted codes are not billed by mistake.
- Check with all major insurances to confirm that provider/practice participation is current.
- Register will all insurance portals for online access (to download ERAs, check eligibility & claim status).
- Setup client on EFT with all major insurance companies.
- Create workflow for practice. Provide hierarchy and contact information of team leaders/account heads.
- Establish “Go Live” date and process to manage the old A/R.