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Medical Record Review

” Preparation of medical chronologies, starting from a basic listing and going to produce a comprehensive medical records summary that details multiple objectives “.

Medical record review from Rapid Care produces a medical chronology customized to meet client requirements. Our medical chronologies can also be differentiated through the following features

  • A cover sheet with facts of the case summarized in 5-6 lines
  • Highlighting Hospital admissions, symptoms, and compliance with care
  • Listing facilities and physicians and indicating physician specialty per chronology
  • Capturing keynotes and procedures in a separate section
  • Separating chronologies prior to date of injury and post-injury
  • Every encounter is comprehensively covered and summarized
  • Handling additional records received for a case as appropriate for a case
  • Hyper-linking summaries to records making it easy to navigate and retrieve source pages
  • All claims, billing paperwork and prescriptions are reviewed and can be audited
  • All depositions, and interrogatories are summarized as relevant to the case

Organize ALL records into pre-defined categories including but not limited to:

Administrative paperwork

Copy service paperwork

General medicine

General administration

Physician notes


Operative notes


Bills and prescriptions

Besides categorizing, Rapid Care can identify and provide a list of sources from where medical records are needed, and provide support for medical records retrieval and indexing

Address first level medical necessity in reference to guidelines and criteria covering clinical history and rationale

Therapy [includes lint therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture treatment, aqua therapy, shockwave therapy, and more]

Specialist referrals [includes hand, ortho, spine surgeon, internal medicine, pain management, psyche, urologist, and more]

DME prescriptions [includes dynasplint, elbow brace, home exercise kits, cervical pillow, TENS unit, and more]

Procedures [includes facet blocks, epidural injections, selective nerve blocks, and more]

Medication [includes Soma, Norco, Omeprazole, Flector patch, Tramadol, Theramine, and more]

Diagnostics [includes imaging studies, NCV/EMG]

Others [includes transportation, sleep study, lab work up, and more]