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Category: Medical Record Review

While various types of businesses realize that data available in various forms has great potential, it is always a challenge to make appropriate use of data and convert the same into actionable information. Here’s where predictive data analytics techniques play Read more…

Huge volume of data needs to be handled by almost any type of the modern organizations in the information age. With increase in competition and use of tech-driven methodologies in the recent times, it has become inevitable for business owners Read more…

It is important for attorneys to verify their clients before taking up a case. Running a check and determining who is appropriate to work with is vital for you as an attorney. For evaluating a potential personal injury claim, you Read more…

The role played by medical expert witnesses in modern litigation cannot be underestimated. Being brought in for discussing different elements of a medical-legal case, these have become an integral part of litigation. Role Played by Medical Expert Witnesses in modern Read more…

It is important for attorneys to verify their clients before taking up a case. Running a check and determining who is appropriate to work with is vital for you as an attorney. For evaluating a potential personal injury claim, you Read more…

Legal professionals in the modern world are thronged with clients who have suffered injuries or side effects caused by medication errors. Having to probe through large volumes of medication details and medical records is not an easy job for legal Read more…

Medical Summaries prepared efficiently by experienced medical litigation paralegals provide all relevant information that assists legal professionals by organizing records in chronological and concise manner Essentials of Effective medical summary A well-prepared medical summary must organize medical records in brief Read more…

The significance of detailed medical case chronologies are clearly felt when cases involve a lot of medical issues and when timeline is important in defending clients – medical chronologies need to help health care providers to determine legitimacy of medical Read more…

A law firm’s productivity can be improved, time saved, and staff may be freed, by availing the services of strategic partners in developing accurate case chronologies! Medical chronologies form the base – they are relevant reports that assist medical – Read more…

Medical Chronologies are reports that form the basis of several types of medical legal cases-by the orderly manner in which these are presented – using these, non-medical professionals such as attorneys will be able to access the necessary data when Read more…