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Tag: Transcription Services

Several industries and different professionals are making use of transcription services in the modern world. Scholars and researchers are also in need of this process that eases the documentation task of people from different walks of life. By following certain Read more…

Evidences have clearly proven that air pollution is one of the major contributors to the global issue of allergic and respiratory diseases. This is found to be more so in industrialized nations – with developing countries following suit. The role Read more…

The once humble dictation and typing processes that helped in documenting patient records have given way to modern technologies such as digital voice technology. Physicians’ notes in contemporary times are being entered and managed using digital means, improving information accuracy Read more…

Playing an indispensable part of individuals’ health history, medical transcripts contain crucial medical information such as patients’ medical conditions, medicines, lab results, diagnoses, and treatments, as dictated by the treating physician. The data dictated in audio format gets converted into Read more…

With huge amount of legal data such as court proceedings, client communications, rulings, and other forms of reports, legal professionals are a really busy lot – transcribing all these data would not only necessitate hefty investment on time and resources Read more…

Medical Transcription Service is essential to efficient and smooth functioning of medical practices. Medical transcriptionists are the wheels that keep the system on the move! Significance of Medical Transcriptionists Transcription specialists. Medical typists. Being called by different names, these professionals—who Read more…

Denials are common things in today’s health care scenario. With hectic activities and the continuous need for providing flaw less care to patients, medical professionals and practices may not be fully prepared to efficiently respond to the different types of Read more…

Gastroenterology and Hepatology departments in medicine provide comprehensive resources related to diagnosis and treatment of various digestive diseases that include disorders of the stomach, esophagus, colon, small intestine, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, and bile ducts. While Gastroenterology deals with digestive Read more…

Dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of medical conditions related to the joints, bones, muscles, and other internal body organs such as lungs, kidneys, and brain, Rheumatology is a specialty that requires focused attention on a variety of diseases. Read more…

If you are a podiatry practice seeking support for documenting your patient reports in the most reliable and valuable manner, you have just landed the right place – we offer web-based documentation assistance for all your podiatry transcription needs! Present Read more…