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Effective Transformation of Narrative Dictation through Discrete Reportable Transcription

The process that involves conversion of narrative dictation into documents in text format with more discrete data elements than that being normally imported into EMRs is called Discrete Reportable Transcription (DRT).

Direct Population of clinical notes into EMR efficiently –using DRT

DRT is the technique that helps transform narrative dictation after transcription into discrete XML-embedded data elements that are subsequently auto-populated in the relative EMRs. At times, it is possible for the EMR to reuse the elements for the patients’ further visits – thus saving time of both physicians and transcriptionists by avoiding subsequent dictation and transcription processes.

The DRT Advantage

DRT helps those joining the EMR/EHR revolution lately, with seamless transition, relieving physicians from undergoing the hardships of the learning curve. Moreover, health care providers can continue with their existing documentation ways to record patient encounters without losing linguistic richness associated with pre-loaded templates.

The exclusive benefits of DRT are listed below:

  • Lesser lines and shorter dictations help achieving cost saving
  • Practitioners are facilitated to meet more patients and offer better care
  • Clinicians are not forced to learn new EMR Software; they are allowed to continue with existing narrative dictation practice, and gain around 25% more time to spend on actual patient care
  • Unlike traditional integration processes that feed just unstructured data, DRT facilitates structured data to be fed into EMRs
  • Sharing of discrete data elements with colleagues and among various facilities become possible

Why DRT?

Although found to be very effective in patient record management, the innovative Health Information Technology of EMR has attained roughly 4% adaptation only. The primary reasons for this low EMR adoption across the globe are cost and unavailability of crucial health data. With historical data that allows analysis, trending, and quality reporting, EMRs can be very effective. DRT provides such fully populated EMR.

Benefits of Rapid Care’s DRT Solutions

Rapid Care Transcription Pvt Ltd has been offering reliable and accurate transcription solutions to organizations belonging to various industry verticals. A few of the DRT benefits are listed below:

  • Over 80% reduction in time needed for data entry
  • Transcription costs are nearly halved
  • Training tine and costs are reduced by around 70%
  • Deployment time is considerably reduced
  • Failure of EMR IS almost eliminated

Partial dictation lets physicians to enter certain information manually while allowing them to dictate the detail-rich factors of encounters. The primary objective is allowing several options catering to the unique needs of physicians and patient.