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Voice Recognition Technology and its Impact on Transcription

A technology that was limited to space programs and other rare purposes such as controlling media systems and wheelchairs, Voice Recognition has been rendered available to several common functions in the contemporary world. Today, voice recognition or speech recognition software has made its entry into health care industry, making processes faster and efficient.

Advancement in Technology

Computer-based Voice recognition was once considered to be related to science fiction. Innovations in the health care industry in the recent decades have enabled use of voice recognition technology for improving patient care. The most common among such usage of voice recognition is in the medical transcription process that was once considered to be in the domain of manual processing.

The PC-based voice recognition engine helps generate reports with the use of templates and macros and makes the transcription process more effective while reducing errors in recognition.

How Does the Speech Recognition Software Work?

The clinician can interact with the voice recognition engine using a PC till he or she gets the report in the required form. It is literally speaking into the PC through a headset or microphone. By making use of the software, the PC converts your voice into text.

Immediacy is the major advantage of this scenario. Clinicians can work with the system in real-time, make necessary corrections to the recognized errors, and the report gets ready to sign as soon as printing it. Enabling faster turnaround and faster reimbursement, this is good for large medical groups.

It is essential to define how a clinician’s voice qualities map onto the English language for achieving accurate transcription using this method. Voice profile, a large file consisting such details helps the voice recognition engine to work with different clinicians.

Future Transcriptionists’ Role

With automatic speech recognition software systems growing intelligent, medical transcriptionists’ responsibilities will change in future. As against the earlier practice of doctors dictating medical reports to transcriptionists, they will now directly dictate reports to sophisticated software on the computers. Transcriptionists will take up the role of editing and proofreading. Although automatic speech recognition software are sophisticated, errors are about to crop up while translating medical vernacular, necessitating transcriptionists to carefully pick up on such errors and apply the necessary corrections.

Rapid Care Transcription Pvt Ltd offers accurate and unmatched medical transcription solutions to medical professionals and health care facilities. We have been in this field since last 15 years. For more details, you may visit our website www.rapidcare.net